UPDATE: Blab bit the dust. It is no longer in business. We use Google Hangouts on Air to record our award-winning weekly video podcast, The Beyond Social Media Show.
A Communications Week Panel, conducted on Blab
As part of Communications Week NY 2015, I’ll be hosting a panel on The Video Marketing Revolution on October 21st at 3pm EDT, and you’re invited to take part in the event.
The panel will broadcast live on Blab, the live-streaming platform that has taken off like a rocket since its launch a few months ago.
Subscribe to the Blab today to be able to comment and join in!
What we’ll cover
A panel of video marketing superstars from major brands and agencies will discuss how they’ve integrated video into epic viral campaigns. You’ll learn best practices, which platforms yield the best results, and what’s coming next.
We’ll discuss how adding video to the marketing mix increases engagement and ROI exponentially for brands. We cover the winning formats, best tools, the best length for video – and lots more.
Panelists include:
- Bethany Simpson — Director of Partnerships and Brand Development ad:tech and iMedia Communications, who has conducted video interviews with more than 500 business leaders in digital and traditional marketing, technology, security, and finance.
- Ian Chee — Chief Strategy Officer for MRY, whose clients include Coca-Cola, Visa, Microsoft, Sony and Adobe.
- Hillel Scheinfeld — COO & Co-Founder of ViewBix, whose interactive video player is used by more than 80,000 companies to increase measurable ROI from their Twitter and Facebook ads.
And you’ll learn about Blab
Of course, since the panel takes place on Blab, we’ll cover how brands can jump into Blab in these early days and be rewarded with the attention of audiences they can’t reach on other platforms.
As you’ll discover, the key is creating content with authenticity and value. Blab is no place for PR-speak!
Additional Information:
– (Here’s my post explaining what Blab’s all about)
– Communications Week website
– Article on Medium
– Splash page about Video Revolution Panel