The key words in many bloggers’ reports from the Democratic convention are “I think” “I believe” and “I enthusiastically support.” With no editors or advertisers to answer two, bloggers have no reason not to tell it as they see it.
Traditional media will have to take note or they will be left behind in bloggers’ dust. It’s inspirng and exciting to see this sea change.
Blogging Convention Style!
This is a bit off-topic for this site, but bears enough importance to warrant comment. . .the blogging going on at the Democratic party convention. Let me say up-front that I am not a Democrat, nor a supporter of their
I agree here as well BL. With the big network anchors bumming out badly that the ratings sucked for last night’s opening night Clinton party, they’re going to have to find different ways to monitor and influence…cuz Americans just aren’t watching what they don’t ask for…and Brokaw, Jennings and Rather ain’t it.
It, to me, is astounding that the networks have decided that the conventions are just big political ads. They are big political PROCESSES and watching them is a privilige we, as Americans, should have. Bloggers are a populist response to the networks’ bored and boring approach to coverage.