Well knock me over with a feather! Fergus Burns, president of Nooked, has written an open letter to bloggers in which he says:
From now on, we won’t pitch bloggers by email – instead I want people to use their RSS aggregators to keep tabs on Nooked
– blog
– rss feeds
If you still had any doubt that blogs can influence companies, this ought to prove the point. It’s not that I’m a powerful blogger, it’s that blogs are a powerful medium because they are interactive.
Kudos to Burns for listening.
Nooked to Switch to Rss Feeds and Blog to Communicate with Bloggers
BL Ochman | January 27, 2005 | Permanent Link | Comments (3) | TrackBack (
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Categories: Blogging and Moblogging, Business Communications, Case Studies, Internet PR, Marketing Strategy, Media Relations, New Products, News, Public Relations
I still want to be able to use email to pitch bloggers, so we managed to talk Fergus down from his position there a bit. He’s updated the post, saying that the communication medium needs to match the blogger. “Tom Foremski of SiliconValleyWatcher prefers the phone, Heath Row of Fast Company mentioned email and others at the event prefered ‘through the blogosphere’.”
Fergus is alright. He does understand blogs.
yesssss! I agree. blogger or traditional journalist, the point is to fit the person’s preferences. that’s it exactly.
and, the failure to do that is what journalists have been complaining about forever.