Edelman PR yesterday issued its Trendwatch report, focusing on “the latest in comsumer lifestyles.”
Problem is, none of the so-called trends are new.
– Cuddle Parties – we wrote about them last July
– Massclusivity – Trendwatching.com (yes, Edelman even stole the name) wrote about it in Nov 2003
– Doga: All Things Considered Covered It in Oct. 2004, and Gawker covered it on June 27. 2003
Pretty big miss for Edelman. They could at least make up their own name. How about Un-Trends, Dead Trends, or maybe OverTrends.
Edleman Reports Old Trends in Trend Report, Steals Name From Trendwatching.com
BL Ochman | November 12, 2004 | Permanent Link | Comments (3) | TrackBack (
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Categories: Business Communications, Don't Believe the Hype, Public Relations, Worst Practices
Technoflak is officially out of it, I have heard of any of these trends.
Poor Edleman is really getting beat up in blogosphere.
Should be have not heard of these trends. A lesson to always use the preview feature.
They’re getting beat up justifiably. They are, after all, a communications firm. And they claim to be in the forefront of modern communications. Clearly, they aren’t paying attention and aren’t used to the close scrutiny that comes from the blogosphere.