I'm B.L. Ochman,. a Fractional CMO, and I've been helping blue chip companies, agencies and associations incorporate new media into their marketing mix since 1996.

I'm an AI-literate multi-media content creator, live-stream event and podcast producer, journalist, ghost writer, social strategist and producer of socially shareable videos.

Let's talk about how I can help you.

I co-host and produce the award-winning weekly Beyond Social Media Show

I contribute to Ad Age Digital Next, Social Media Today and others. On Twitter, I'm @whatsnext.

Posts tagged whatsnextblog.com

Political protests go viral in Amazon product reviews. How should brands respond?
Exclusive: Cheating accusations made in Chase Community Giving Contest. AGAIN.
Delusional Marketing: “we got 70 million page visits for $0 cost”
RomneyRyan.com spoofs Romney’s tax returns with fake site by 26 year-old New Yorker
Bovomaniancs Rejoice! The talking California dairy cows are back
Look Ma! No Lawyers! Charmin demonstrates the value of a sense of humor in social media
The myth of viral video: some dirty secrets
“Eternally Gluten-Free,” cookbook by 7th grader Dominick Cura, author, blogger & video producer
The state of social media marketing in the second half of 2012
Latest Altimeter report on media convergence a wake-up call to lagging brands