I'm B.L. Ochman,. a Fractional CMO, and I've been helping blue chip companies, agencies and associations incorporate new media into their marketing mix since 1996.

I'm an AI-literate multi-media content creator, live-stream event and podcast producer, journalist, ghost writer, social strategist and producer of socially shareable videos.

Let's talk about how I can help you.

I co-host and produce the award-winning weekly Beyond Social Media Show

I contribute to Ad Age Digital Next, Social Media Today and others. On Twitter, I'm @whatsnext.

Posts tagged David Erickson

HRH Prince of Wales’ Hangout, Anti-Gun Humor, Hotel Privacy Shocker
Three Social Media Storms, Google Robots Fight, Chevy Guy Returns
Texas PoliTech’s Dumb & Dumber Videos; Opera Decries Bullying
Twitter Live Streams on YouTube, LOL Bulbs, Bad Google+ Advice
Microsoft CEO Apologizes Lamely, Copyblogger Quits Facebook
Microsoft CEO’s Outrageous $Karma Raise Advice to Women, DIY Invisibility
Kevin Richardson Plays Football With Lions, Facebook Bans LikeGating
Budweiser Puppy & KLM Dog #FAILs + StatSocial Demo
Worst 9/11 Brand Tweets; Rice/NFL Debacle; Apple’s Launch
AmEx ISIS re-brand goofs; Amazon gets Twitch; LEGO Female Scientists are gone