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Perez.pngAdvertisers still unconvinced that blog advertising should be part of your media plan, read this email from Perez Hilton:

“ hit record high traffic last week with news of Anna Nicole Smith’s death. The site received over 4.4 million impressions on Thursday alone. The new high capped a long run of successes for the “Queen of All Media.”
With up to 30 million impressions per week and 2.2 million monthly unique users, Perez Hilton is the premiere celebrity gossip blog, where brands come face-to-face with the most influential and hyper-informed young women in the United States.”

A blogad campaign I am doing for client Karen Quinn’s Wife in the Fast Lane Contest, including the Perezhilton blog, Adrants, Cute Overload and The Daily Puppy is getting clickthrus as high as 2.1%.
Blog advertising is all about being topical, timely, edgy, and fun. And, of course, you have to pick the right blogs.