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Williams.jpgIt’s the fashion for celebrities who are on trial to post Websites proclaiming their innocence. Mystery rogues are having fun creating parodies of the self-serving sites of sites of Jayson Williams and Martha Stewart.
Williams’ wife, Tanya, has a site which gives her side of the story, complete with soft focus baby pictures of Williams and their wedding pictures. The parody site, author unknown, leaves the “y” out of Jayson and shows Tanya and Williams’ cradling a shotgun in their wedding picture.

On the spoof site, featuring the couple’s baby in a bullet proof vest, a phony quote from Tanya says: “”Yeah sure Jayson is violent sometimes & this wasn’t the first shooting incident at the home, but he’s a good ball player & is above the law. Everyone knows you can buy your own justice, look at our good friend O.J.!