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NASA’s social media strategy, policy (“There is NO social media policy”) and open, experimental, interactive approach to digital communications is as clear, concise and comprehensive as any you are ever likely to see.

I interviewed NASA social media manager John Yembrick in a Hangout on Air I produced for PRSA NY as part of Communications Week. He noted that their strategy is public and I’d suggest that every organization doing digital communications make it required reading.

NASA, by the way, was the first government agency on Google+, where it’s fast approaching 2 million followers. NASA’s social media team clearly is not afraid to to boldly go where no man has gone before. In addition to Hangouts from space, NASA did the first Foursquare Check-in from space and from Mars, the first Tweet and a mobile app.

Social Media at NASA, 2012 Edition from NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Episode66 BSMediaB.L. Ochman is CEO of – Events & Training for Google+ Success, serving leading brands, associations and agencies. As a digital strategist, GooglePlus Helpouts coach, YouTube Channel Creator, President of, and publisher of What’s Next Blog, she’s been helping blue chip companies incorporate new media into their marketing mix since 1996. B.L. contributes to Ad Age Digital Next, Social Media Today and others and has spoken at more than 25 marketing conferences. Follow B.L. on Google+ or Twitter.