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socialmkt.pngIf you’re still sitting around wondering whether you should use social media, you need to start clicking on the links in this post. Because honey, the social media train has left the station!
Forty-one percent of 500 companies surveyed by the IT consultancy Avanade, say social media has the potential to transform their customer relationships, improve their reputations and increase sales. That’s a sea change in corporate attitude if there ever was one! Yet, the company’s press release presents a gloomy headline – no doubt hoping to drum up some new consulting for Avande. Hey, why not: they paid for the report. :>)
According to the report, companies around the globe said that:
o Social media technologies have the potential to transform the way companies build and manage relationships with their customers.
o Early adopters are reporting improved customer relationships, better corporate reputation and increased sales.
o Businesses face competitive risks if they fail to embrace the technology going forward in a controlled and strategic manner.
Here’s more good news about social media and the sea change it is bringing about in corporate marketing. Peter Kim and Mashable have compiled lists of major brands that are using social media.
And here’s a wiki listing major corporations and associations are Twitter.
BusinessWeek: Social Media WIll Change Your Business
B.L. Ochman’s 12 Tenets of Social Media Marketing
Groundswell – Buy it, Read It, Share It!
Social Media Marketing: Who’s Full of Hot Air? Who’s The Real Deal?
CommonCraft’s Social Media in Plain English is Spot On – as Usual