A reality show-ready spoof of the Carl’s Jr. “Spicy Paris” Paris Hilton commercial is the first of what surely will be several sendups. It was done for the recruitment company Accolo, although there is no sign of it on their home page.
via Adrants
Spoof of Paris Hilton Carl’s Jr. “Spicy Paris” Commercial Hits the Spot
BL Ochman | June 13, 2005 | Permanent Link | Comments (5) | TrackBack (
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you can find it on their site at http://www.accolo.com/rethinkrecruiting
We’ll Aways Have Pars
Back to America’s #1 party girl, the legitimization of Paris Hilton never ceases to amaze me. It makes little difference that she behaves like trailer park trash, or that her mind is vacuous, or that she has appeared in a raunchy porn video. She cont…
Nope, because their site is down. Server overload?
I spoke with John Younger, Accola’s CEO today and he said the server crashed a couple of times but is currently braced for high-traffic. He said traffic has gone from 15,000 on Monday to 200,000 today.
She is truly one of the smartes celebs in my view, i am a big fan.