Here’s a mystery ‘Spider-Man: The Peril of Doc Ock‘ featuring animated LEGO toys, is a brilliant, action packed, 4-minute comical take on the Spider-Man movies commissioned from Spite Your Face Productions Ltd. By Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios.
Yet the movie nowhere to be found on the sites of marketing titans Sony, Lego and Marvel. (Or it’s quite hidden.) Surely it will spread virally, if only by six-year-olds sending it to their friends.
Where’s the hype? Where’s the blog? Why isn’t anyone making noise about this film? It’s clever, funky, funny, true to the movie. And it represents a most unusual collaboration between the three companies.
Written, directed and animated by Tim Drage and Tony Mines, brings the new Spider-Man 2 LEGO range to life using a combination of traditional stop-motion techniques and computer animation effects. While the animation was shot in Bristol, with post-production in London, the Spite Your Face team worked internationally to produce the sound track.
The film had its debut exclusively on Yahoo from July 2
Mysteriously, Marketing's Missing for Marvel, Sony & Spite Your Face's Spiderman Movie Short
BL Ochman | July 13, 2004 | Permanent Link | Comments (0) | TrackBack (
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Tags: , 'Spider-Man: The Peril of Doc Ock, B.L. Ochman, Editor & Publisher, Marvel Studios,,, Press Releases from Hell and How to Fix Them, Sony Pictures, Spite Your Face Productions Ltd, Steve Outing Interview, What's Next Blog,
Tags: , 'Spider-Man: The Peril of Doc Ock, B.L. Ochman, Editor & Publisher, Marvel Studios,,, Press Releases from Hell and How to Fix Them, Sony Pictures, Spite Your Face Productions Ltd, Steve Outing Interview, What's Next Blog,