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googleLOGO.jpgGoogle is beset by second-guessers — including people with distinct axes to grind — who are calling the exercise a failure, says Dan Gillmor of The San Jose Mercury.
Google’s management certainly did screw up in some ways. But overall, this IPO was a success. Don’t let the naysayers, especially the Wall Street crowd, tell you otherwise.
Wall Street’s pique continues to fuel a retrograde spin on this story. The bankers, still sniping from the bushes, weren’t vindicated by this IPO. Let’s see more auctions.”
Did you buy any? My broker advised against the purchase, saying, “You would need to purchase

about 100 shares or more making your minimum investment about $13,000 or so. Even if the stock rose $10 and you sold you would pay about $100 in trading costs and only net a $900 profit I would not think it worth putting $13,000 at risk to make $1000 or less.
There are much more appropriate stocks to invest in.”