CNET has a list of the top 10 Internet memes of the last 10 years, starting with Hampsterdance in 1998, and including Hot or Not, the wonderful, chubby Star Wars Kid, and Jib Jab’s “This Land” in 2004.
What’s your favorite?
CNET: Top 10 Web Memes of Past 10 Years
BL Ochman | July 20, 2005 | Permanent Link | Comments (3) | TrackBack (
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My favorite has to be the Nigerian e-mail scam. I mean, who falls for that? Apparently, enough people so that it keeps going.
Ah, to be in a foreign country raking in the bucks from morons.
Top Ten Web Memes of the Last Ten Years
Always happy to see that the term meme is alive and well, I am happier to see a collection of the Top 10 Web fads. Via B.L. Ochman’s Weblog. My faves include Mahir, All your Base are Belong to Us,…
That is not a meme. That’s just fraudulent and spam. A meme or a viral is something one person passes to another. People LIKE memes.
And yes, you do have to wonder, who answered the nigerians? Because if nobody did, why would they still be sending out the same spam?