A number of dead tree-dependent traditional marketers, writers and CEOs have ignited controversy by poo pooing blogs lately, calling them a fad, or worse. Just as many cried in 1996 “Nobody will ever be able to sell anything on the Internet,” and later, “We’ll come up with a new way to make them read our online ads by making the banners bigger and harder to avoid,” people who are afraid of change are decrying blogging. Here’s my message to all of you: blogs are an important marketing tool that you can’t afford to ignore– at least until the next big thing comes along. Adapt or die.
Frank Barnako, writing in CBS Marketwatch began the week calling blogs baloney and ended it citing research by Forrester, which says, “blogging will grow in importance, and at a minimum, companies should monitor blogs to learn what is being said about their products and services.”
Copywriter Robert Bly called blogs a complete waste of time in DM News and bloggers called him a fossil.
Read more here, in
CFO Magazine, in the Executive Summary of the new Forrester report: Blogging: Bubble or Big Deal?,in Robert Scoble’s Corporate Weblog Manifesto and in my just-released special report, What Could Your Company Do With a Blog?
Are Blogs More Than a Fad?
BL Ochman | November 10, 2004 | Permanent Link | Comments (0) | TrackBack (
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Categories: Newsletter Archives
Tags: , blog, bloggers, blogging, blogging controversy, decrying blogging, What's Next Blog, What's Next Online. B.L. Ochman
Tags: , blog, bloggers, blogging, blogging controversy, decrying blogging, What's Next Blog, What's Next Online. B.L. Ochman