Dell is reminding me of an old boyfriend banging on my door yelling “Take me back! I’ve changed!” But they’re also reminding me of the Keystone Cops.
Last night, a second senior customer relations person from Dell called me to apologize for the first Mr. Fixit dropping the ball by never calling me back with suggestions for resolving my customer service issues.
Lionel Menchaca, Dell Digital Media Manager even apologized to me in comments on the Dell one2one blog:
B.L., saw your post, and want to apologize for a miscommunication on our end….
I remain hopeful that Dell will figure out a way to make me, and the thousands of other customers, it has treated so poorly consider buying another Dell. They certainly appear to be trying, and that’s more than can be said about a lot of companies.
Here are some ways to win me back to Dell:
– extend my Gold Service contact for an additional two years. Then, if I have another problem with my Dell desktop, Dell has the chance to put its money where its PR rhetoric is and actually provide the service it contractually promises its customers.
– Or, Dell can send me a new desktop and we could start again with their new, improved way of honoring their marketing promises. I’d really like to experience the new Dell the blog is promising, but, given their track record, I’m not likely to open my wallet to Dell any time soon. If they prove that they’ve changed, instead of buying an Apple or another Lenovo, I’d be more likely to make my next laptop my fifth Dell.