This morning I got an unsolicited email (ie spam) from Scott L. Ginter, a subscriber to my double opt-in What’s Next newsletter. After the sales message, the spam said “This is a personalized auto reply to the email you sent me RE: What’s Next #116/15 Best Topics to Blog About… Pls Forward”
That was the subject line of a recent issue of my double opt-in newsletter. It was not an invitation to spam me.
The spam email is pitching Veretekk bulk mailing system which captures the email address of all incoming mail to send them autoresponder spam. Jeez.
An Obnoxious New Twist on Spam from Veretekk
BL Ochman | January 19, 2006 | Permanent Link | Comments (4) | TrackBack (
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Got the same thing morning from these scumbags — their content stuffed into one of my old newsletters and sent back to me 8 times in an hour. You would have to go a long way to find bigger liars than these guys.
“Over the years Veretekk has grown to become the world’s standard for legitimate permission based online marketing by consistently exceeding all know Spam regulations and accepted guidelines and has pioneered the critical discussions that must be held to truly address the global Spam problem. With 10,000’s of active members, Veretekk subscribers constitute by far the largest army of responsible marketers utilizing legitimate technology to promote their businesses.”
What rot…
As in all idustries you will find people that dont play by the rules. Veretekk has set up a system to allow email marketing SPAM FREE and soliciting to unverified emial address is a unacceptable practice and grounds for termination (according to CEO Tom P). I would bet money that if the data base was searched for an email address verification – yours would be there. The system is robust!
We all dream of a spam free internet!
Hopefully with the creation of Googles SAFE BROWSING API, all disreputable companies will ose the power to innundate us with email and infest us with phishing attacks… the way they are now.
JT McNaught
Yes, I get 10 to 15 emails from them a day! It seems to be growing! You can’t block them because it is a different name each time. How they got me I do not know, but it is a big annoyance!