Talk about a PR disaster:
With Microsoft issuing yet more security patches, ZD Net asks readers whether this is enough to make them switch to Firefox.
I switched as soon as the latest version was out. Couldn’t switch before that because Firefox was not yet compatible with Onfolio, on which I am dependent.
It’s really time for Microsoft to update IE. Or they could just switch to Foxfire like the rest of the world.
A PR Disaster: IE Security Flaws vs Firefox Evalgelism
BL Ochman | January 12, 2005 | Permanent Link | Comments (2) | TrackBack (
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I’ve noted in my stats that Gecko based browser users continue to climb, but the total percentage is only 15.2% as of yesterday.
Steve MacLellan
Firefox is a total disaster.
I have bent my pick trying to understand why, in a list of links, why some fire and some do not.
Now, I changed all my pages, some 800 of them to be compatible with Firefox. I have spent hundreds of hours doing this.
But this monstrosity is causing me real problems. The bugs I reported, and I found were admitted to in Bugzilla as major errors, have not been fixed, even in the newest releases, so I am most annoyed.
I am a long time Netcape fan, and I only reluctantly emphasized IE, because my readers did not seem to have anything but IE installed.
But, if Mozilla Foundation cannot do any better than this, it is time to put it to sleep.