For the 12th year in a row, I renewed my Symantec Anti-Virus Software the other day and, as has been the Symantec norm, I had a really lousy customer service experience doing it. I had to call India and wait on hold not just once, but twice to get correct information about activating the renewal, just like last year.
Symantec Customer Service Sucks
Then today I get an email inviting me to “Come back and SAVE!…We just wanted to say thanks for your recent purchase at the Symantec online store. We hope you had a great shopping experience and that you’ll come back again and visit us sometime soon.”
Well actually I had a lousy goddamn experience. But they told me to “Share you SAVINGS with family and friends!” so here you go, dear readers.
What am I? Chopped Liver?
I’d like to know why the hell I wasn’t offered this “additional $10 savings when I made my purchase, or when I made the second call to India for the same issue. After all, I have been renewing Symantec software for more than 10 years. So you could say I am a good customer of theirs.
Here’s what you do:
(1) Visit our Renewal and Upgrade Center
(2) Select the product you would like to buy at automatic upgrade pricing — up to 70% off*, plus your additional $10 savings.*
Symantec Discount for You All
BL Ochman | January 5, 2006 | Permanent Link | Comments (4) | TrackBack (
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Hi B.L. Yes I have had a similar experience with Symantec although this was an “out-of the box-experience” and I am not a long term client like you.Having dutifully installed my new 2006 software version of “keep the nasties at Bay ” I found that not only had my computer slowed to a crawl but that Symantec had taken over my homepage.
Despite numerous attempts at getting rid of the Symantec drivel every time I logged on with the excellent help of the Symantec Tutorial (which doesnt work )I finally capitulated and have gone over to Firefox which incidentally is like a breath of fresh air compared with Gates’plorer version 27.5!
Greatful news in your post today since I am saved a call to the Punjab.
p.s any recomendations for newbie-bloggers getting started without the interminable newsletter sign-ups and info overload?
You got through to a customer service person in India? And you’re complaining?
I have never been able to get through to ANYBODY when I want customer service from Symantec. I, too, am a loyal but angry customer. When my current subscription with them expires, I’m outta here. Recommendations for better alternatives would be most appreciated.
i had to really dig to find the 800 number to call — another annoyance.
there does not seem to be a great alternative. McAffee stinks, and nothing else has the track record of Symantec. At least, nothing else I have ever found. And I guess they know it.
I think that AVG is pretty damned good.
I recommend this to everybody that I know. There are others that are supposed to be very good also, but I haven’t found the need to look further than this one.