Is it just me, or is the Ricola Mystery Cougher contest a gross idea? Who wants to walk up to a stranger who is coughing and hand him or her a cough drop? Especially at the start of flu season, and in the midst of bird flu hysteria, why would anyone want to touch a coughing stranger? The contest is giving away a million dollars to people not squeamish about talking to hacking weirdos. I’ll pass.
Ricola Mystery Cougher Contest — Yecch! Blecch!
BL Ochman | November 14, 2005 | Permanent Link | Comments (3) | TrackBack (
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Categories: Alternative Marketing
To the best of my knowledge,the idea behind the contest is where the mystery “RICOLA” representative is to come up to a random person while the REPRESENTATIVE is “fake” coughing and ask the person he came up TO…if THEY would have a “Ricola” cough drop.
Hey, how about having someone FAKE spitting in a public place and a REPRESENTATIVE from KLEENEX comes up and aks THEM if THEY have a tissue.
do you know where to enter the contest? thanks for the ricolla