I was one of the people interviewed in a video (below) shown at a Council of PR Firms Critical Issues Forum at the Yale Club last week. The topic of the meeting was the future of public relations.” And some pretty dangerous ideas came out of the mouths of people who really should know better – like the CEOs and Sr VPs of some of the biggest PR firms in the world.
The CEO of a huge PR firm, for example, said “There is always someone out there with a new idea. Our job is to steal their ideas and put them into our DNA.” When I asked “Did you really mean to say that?” he said “Yes”.
A Bronx cheer
I don’t see it that way. I think it’s the job of professional communicators to create rather than steal new ideas. The best and the brightest always have, and always will have that concept in their DNA.
There are plenty of smart people working in PR. But there are more of us who just became disgusted with the way it’s done these days and turned our talents to new media. That’s why I left the PR field in 1996, and I’ve met lots of other recovering flacks along the path.
And here’s a robust Bronx cheer for another member of the Critical Issues panel said “Reporters have some sense of objectivity standards … Newspapers still have a basic tenet that you try to present both sides of the story and check facts.” In new media, he said “instead of legitimate information, we have individuals expressing opinion.” Why would the tired subject of whether bloggers are journalists still be discussed by “professional communicators” when we’ve been part of the landscape for more than 10 years?
Dinosaurs rule PR
With leaders of major public relations firms espousing views like those, it is no surprise how low the level of the industry has fallen, in practice and in public and media esteem.
PR people are still woefully behind the sea change that has taken place since the dawn of new media. Some firms talk a good game, but the basic belief system is still that mainstream media is “real media,” and that blogs, forums, social networks, content sharing sites, virtual communities and other new media are bogus substitutes for “real” communications.
“It bores me too”
The industry has failed to educate either its employees or its clients about current reality. That’s why interns are charged with “blogger outreach” and other media calls. It’s why press releases are so boring that one flack recently told a blogger “I found [that release] kind of boring too — and I wrote it.:)”
And a senior manager of another PR firm told me, in email when I complained about a terrible pitch from his firm:
“I think you’re a lot like me: highly professional and frustrated by the dolts we run into every day. You know how it is; when you go into business you have lofty aspirations, but due to many factors they often are not met.
One of the things we train our people to do is explain it to the people we call “as if they were a six year old”. Sometimes it works, and frankly sometimes it backfires. We’re trying to refine this approach …”
Thanks for lunch Given the state of the global economy; the fact that bloggers are now part of the news landscape and we’re here to stay; that nobody wants to listen to corporate BS anymore and that we haven’t been listening for at least 10 years, it’s time for the PR industry to take a good hard look at itself. Too bad industry leaders didn’t do that at their own Critical Issues Forum. But hey, lunch was delicious.
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein
Read the Council’s take on the Forum. They think it was great.
InfoPinions posts on the forum too, asking students what they think of the “dangerous” issues.
This was a really great post B.L. Yesterday I blogged about how with brands there needs to be less talk and more interaction, and I think the same holds true for PR.
I also agree with you–we shouldn’t steal ideas; I think that’s what gives so many people a bad taste in their mouth about PR. Thankfully the landscape is changing forcing those in the traditional mindset to have to change with it. I embrace being more creative–it makes work a lot more fun.
You go, BL.
Where does PR go from here? I think the best PR practitioners are helping to change the landscape, as Shannon notes. They are being more creative and providing their counsel earlier, so their opinion of how the public and media will react to something is taken into account in the development of the product/service/policy, etc.
I would, however, like to see the normal titles associated with PR practitioners changed or scrapped altogether, as they are too limiting. Clients an executives may still see PR as the people who can just “get something covered,” or see them as press-release factories, and not see their full creative and consultative potential.
Today. Right now. This very second. That’s how fast the industry is able to communicate and/or join conversations. Not surprisingly, that’s exactly how fast a client wants to turn these messages, conversations and newsclips into sales. While social and online media is not a one-and-done tactic, the rubber needs to meet the road, which in most cases means that sales need to occur as a result. The PR “profession” has no option but to CREATE new ideas to publicly relate with a purpose (execute and sound reason).
Wow, steal? I think what seperates the leaders is the ability to create your own path and trying something that hasn’t been done yet.
I loved this post. Makes me feel like we might be doing something right, as our hidebound competitors stumble into the tar pits!
Nick – not only did he say “steal”, he confirmed, when I asked him, in a room of more than 200 people, that he meant just that.
I worked at one of the major PR firms early in my career and I saw them re-circulate the same ideas over and over to different clients.
Creativity was not rewarded at that agency or at big companies I’ve worked with since. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that creativity is considered suspect.
Great post. I’m new to this industry, but I can tell I’m pushing my company in the right direction. I’m working on a campaign right now and I’ve been telling them many of the same things. Thanks for the confirmation!
There is a reason that at our little agency, we call ourselves communicators. It’s unfortunate, but PR is getting a stink attached to it’s name that might never come off.
I am not sure where these so-called professionals learned their approach to PR .. in my mind, our role has always been guiding our clients to be authentic, to act with integrity – including and especially when a mistake has been made … and to communicate with people… not talk at them.
Online media gives us the tools to do this with creativity and innovation… and to engage like-minded individuals with an organization’s story — their TRUE story …
There is still lots of work to be done … clients want results… and part of a communicator’s role is to educate the client on what the value is for a campaign or initiative …. but not all of it is going to directly result in sales.
There are those of us out there that don’t steal ideas, that want to grow and evolve and better engage … and we want to do it the right way… where everyone benefits. There is hope, I swear. Don’t discount all of us… based on “those guys.”
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I’m saddened by this. We all need to start following best practices… Either way, great discussion.
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