Jeez! You’d think when you had something as cool as this Intel video you wouldn’t need to send a PR pitch from hell. But that’s just what I got tonight from a flak at MRM Worldwide (they’re the Internet arm of the McCann) who told me that “I like your site. My friend sent me these, because he knows how much I love Christopher Guest.”
When I asked him if I knew him, he replied “I like your stuff.” Oh Gimme a break! Anyway, nice to see that an $8.7 billion, publicly traded company would have a sense of humor.
Not funny: the lame pitch from an
A Great Video From Intel and a PR Pitch From Hell
BL Ochman | August 7, 2007 | Permanent Link | Comments (2) | TrackBack (
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Categories: Alternative Marketing
Tags: , clueless PR agency, Intel advertising, lame PR pitch, PR pitch from hell
Tags: , clueless PR agency, Intel advertising, lame PR pitch, PR pitch from hell
There’s only so much stupidity you can put up with before you call a spade a spade. And it was kind of you not to name names :-)
Utterly hilarious. Can’t believe Intel did these!