He’s currently got 159 million friends, but my client, Karen Quinn, says MySpace co-founder Tom Anderson is a no friend of hers.
Quinn wanted a MySpace page in a big way for her Karen Quinn’s Wife in the Fast Lane Contest. I thought it was a waste of time, but she was insistent. So she got our designer to build her a MySpace page.
“If there is such a thing as bad technological Karma, I have it. In the last ten days, my iMac crashed, my blackberry broke, my digital scale snapped, and my brand new MySpace, of which I was SO excited and SO proud, just disappeared! Pooof! Gone! No warning, nothing. I wrote to Tom (the founder and my first friend on my space) and the bastard didn’t even write back. Why Tom, why? Was it because I lied about my age? Honestly, I’m wracking my brain to figure out what went wrong, and I just don’t understand. Tom, for what it’s worth, our friendship is over. It’s e-ronic, you erased my entire my space site, but I can’t delete you as my friend no matter how hard I try.
Still, like Suzanne Somers, I decided to rebuild (she said stoically). So if you have a my space, please visit me at www.myspace.com/authorkarenquinn and ask me to be your friend. I will say “yes” to everyone (except Tom).”
Karen Quinn: MySpace Founder “No Friend of Mine”
BL Ochman | March 7, 2007 | Permanent Link | Comments (1) | TrackBack (
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Categories: Social Media
Tags: , Karen Quinn, Karen Quinn Wife in the Fast Lane Contest, MySpace, social media marketing, Tom Anderson
Tags: , Karen Quinn, Karen Quinn Wife in the Fast Lane Contest, MySpace, social media marketing, Tom Anderson
at the end of the day MySpace is about making $$. to cover themselves from brands running “free” campaigns on their site, part of the end user agreement when you sign up for MySpace says they reserve the right to delete profiles that significantly modify the original layout (read as “get rid of our ads and you’re gone”). several bands are flirting with being deleted as well, your client just got caught.