This World of Warcraft television ad is too funny. But do the 20-something people who play WOW actually know who Mr. T is? Or is he just so cool ad and it doesn’t matter. You gotta love that Mohawk.
There’s another with WIlliam Shatner. Hey dog, Wasn’t he the guy in the Priceline commercials? :>) And there’s a Mini-me ad on tap.
Mr. T and William Shatner in World of Warcraft Ads, But Why?
BL Ochman | November 21, 2007 | Permanent Link | Comments (1) | TrackBack (
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Categories: Alternative Marketing
Tags: , Alternative Marketing, gaming, Mr. T, William Shatner, World of Warcraft
Tags: , Alternative Marketing, gaming, Mr. T, William Shatner, World of Warcraft
I know I’m going to regret posting this, but this actually makes me wonder if these celebrities actually PLAY WoW. Probably not, but whatev. Funny to think about.