Mazda blows it big-time with a fake blog HolloweenM3 that includes not one but three Mazda commercials disguised as videos found by a blogger on public access TV. The lastest video, titled Phantasmagoria, shows a bunch of 20-somethings riding around listening to heavy metal music in a Mazda with some ghouls.
It would be funny if it was run as a TV ad. It’s just stupid in a fake blog.
And you can bet it cost Mazda a gazillion dollars.
via Steve Hall at adrants
Mazda’s Fake Blog is a Dumb Assed Mistake
BL Ochman | October 21, 2004 | Permanent Link | Comments (4) | TrackBack (
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Categories: Ad targeting, Advertainment, Blogging and Moblogging, Viral Marketing, Worst Practices
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Why would Mazda do such a crazy thing???