I’m in the process of launching Karen Quinn’s Wife in the Fast Lane Contest, inspired by her new novel, Wife in the Fast Lane.
The contest asks entrants – who don’t have to be wives, or for that matter, female – to share a scene from their fast lane lives with a video, essay or a quick one-liner. A volunteer panel of judges will pick the top 10 entries in each category and then all registered members will pick the winners.
A blog advertising campaign on top Mommy and book blogs promotes it.
A Twitter page has been set up as a community for people participating in the contest and following the entries. The contest runs on WordPress blog software.
Prizes include a conference call with Karen Quinn for aspiring writers among the winners, and a call with the screen writer of the upcoming film about the book for the top video winners. Surprise interim prizes will provide incentives to registered members of the contest community.
Entries are already coming in!