Mike Arrington at TechCrunch reports that Guy Kawasaki’s newest venture, Truemors, is a rumor reporting bulletin board that incorporates features of both Twitter and Digg. See a screenshot here, and look for a launch later this month.
Truemor is presently password protected, but Kawasaki posted on his blog last month that he is looking for “people in the flow of interesting and true rumors.” Tipsters are invited to call, text, post to the site or email rumors to post@truemors.com.
The point eludes me, as the dictionary definition of “rumor” includes:
2. gossip; hearsay: Don’t listen to rumor.
3. Archaic. a continuous, confused noise; clamor; din.
Once a rumor is on the site, other users can leave comments and vote it up or down, like Digg. All new rumors are listed for people to review and vote on. Rumors with the most votes make it to a top list.
There is no visible business model, and I wonder if the Internet really needs more noise. I’d rather see a site that rewards contributors who confirm or disprove rumors in the manner of Snopes.com.
I bet all of these web 2.0 devices will be seamlessly integrated into one in the future.
“There is no visible business model, and I wonder if the Internet really needs more noise.”
Anything revolving around spreading gossip and rumors will always thrive. Sad but true.
Mack: I suppose you are right. And I agree, that is sad.