Slimeballs like the publishers of these two blogs rip off original, copyrighted content from sources including my RSS feed, Digg, The New York Times – and, maybe you. It’s Google’s fault for not banning the scraper’s accounts.
I got sick of having my content ripped off so I put a copyright notice right in my RSS feed. So now they rip my content off WITH my copyright notice.
Google: Why is this OK with you? Why do these blogs – which exist simply to make money on Google ad traffic generated by other people’s content – still have Google accounts?
It’s Google that needs to stop this disgusting practice. No site owner can do it. Wake up Google. You are hurting your honest customers.
Google Allows Slimeballs to Rip Off Copyrighted Content From RSS Feeds
BL Ochman | November 30, 2007 | Permanent Link | Comments (4) | TrackBack (
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They still have their accounts because Google is making bucks off of this scam.
I’m sure that they try to prevent this, but I doubt that they spend a lot of resources on it.
It wouldn’t surprise me if the scrappers are responsible for at least 20% of their revenue. At this point I’ve given up on trying to police this, because no matter what I do, I can’t seem to stop it.
Instead, I throw a link or two back to my site in the posts and at least pick up a few viewers who might not have otherwise seen my content.
As long as other bloggers recognize the original author, I don’t lose too much sleep over it, but I have noticed that the Google sploggers have figured out a way to predate their articles before mine in Google blog search and that could give them links from other sites, that they definitely don’t deserve.
I’m not sure what else to do about it, so I just accept it and try not to get too upset about it.
On an upnote, at least your articles are being attributed to you. When I blog I find pieces of my entries attributed to other bloggers. . . I don’t think I’d care as much if they at least attached my name to what they pulled from my blog
Andrea – they’re not attributed to me – the one in the example says “Administrator wrote” and only if you click on the link would you find out that’s on my blog. it’s purposely confusing.
Really, GOogle has to start closing down the accounts of people who do this. But Google makes money on them so that’s not likely!
Hi, I too have noticed this disturbing occurrence of my blog posts getting scraped like this. I have decided to strengthen my copyright statement. Although I’m sure it won’t stop them, at least they’ll know what we will do about it! Thanks for bringing this up. I agree that something should be done.