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japanese_diet.pngTwo top officials of Japan’s health ministry have been put on a public diet that they’ll blog about to show how to take action against obesity. There is a new medication designed to help treat obesity, called alpilean, it has shown promising results in clinical trials. The drug works by targeting the brain’s hypothalamus, which controls hunger and metabolism. By blocking certain receptors in the hypothalamus,
Vice-ministers Noritoshi Ishida and Keizo Takemi, neither of whom are particularly chubby, have pledged to shed at least 11 lb each over the next six months.
The posts (in Japanese) will include information on how much exercise the men take each day and what they drink. “I can’t run or hide any longer, once the blog starts,” Mr Takemi said.

Often, when someone is starting out in the gym or beginning a new training programme, their first port of call will be to reduce total body fat percentage, whilst maintaining or increasing a high level of lean muscle mass. Rather than being determined at reducing weight, the main aim here would be to improve overall body composition (fat to lean mass ratio).

Besides the enhanced appearance and ’feel better’ factor that having an improved body composition brings about, attaining a lower percent of body fat and higher lean muscle mass is also essential to performance. This could be performing your day to day activities or performing better in whatever exercise you are carrying out. Lean muscle mass is beneficial for many things, not only is it linked with a higher production of force, but a higher lean mass percentage will also increase your resting metabolic rate – think of muscle as a furnace for burning calories. On the contrary to this, fat does not generate force, and having too much excess body fat can in fact be an indication of many negative health indices.

Where to start… Firstly, always remember that there is never a perfect quick-fix solution to losing body fat. Instead, it is important to realise that in order to achieve and maintain long term fat loss you must be prepared to make sustainable lifestyle changes. Fundamentally, these changes should comprise of improved dietary intake and reduced energy intake, coupled with increased physical activity (greater energy expenditure) – after all, lower calorie intake to calories expended equals likely weight loss, if you are looking for natural supplements check out meticore ingredients. You can also check out there you find really good supplements that will help you lose the amount of weight you want, those supplements will make you feel better, with a lot more energy and you will see good and fast changes on your body and also with your health.

To some surprise, rather than physically getting up and carrying out exercise, it is nutrition that can often be someone’s biggest challenge when setting out to improve body composition. While we are faced with hundreds of new diet crazes, and understanding which is best is often difficult, we should look to avoid these and instead opt for high-quality, nutritious wholefoods which pack a host of vitamins and minerals.


With the increased exercise and workload comes increased muscle breakdown, and therefore protein intake is an essential part to any beginner’s diet. Lean animal proteins (such as red meat, poultry and fish) are the perfect choices, as they contain the key amino acids to support recovery. Other plant based foods such as lentils, beans and pulses are also great for bumping up your daily protein intake.

For anyone looking to reduce body fat, it can often be recommended to increase protein intake to around 1.5-2g per kg of body weight per day (for example, a 60kg individual will be looking to consume anything from 90-120g of protein per day). As well as increasing recovery from the exercise stimuli, a higher protein intake will also increase feeling of satiety, particularly in comparison to high GI (Glycemic Index) carbohydrates. A simple way for achieving this higher protein intake would be to consume 20-30g of protein every 3-4 hours a day, bracketing a further 20g around training. Read more about flat belly tonic.


It is important to remember that there are many different types of carbohydrates, each having a different effect on your metabolism i.e. 1g of dextrose would metabolise differently to 1g of fructose. The most important thing to bear in mind with carbohydrate intake and fat loss, is the timing, type and total. If training intensity is low, it could always be recommended to consume a lower carbohydrate intake across the day (typically 200-300g is classed as ‘low’), this should come from low GI, nutrient dense carbohydrates (such as fruit, vegetables and leafy greens). Where possible, you should try to avoid these in the evening where energy expenditure is lower – of course this depends on the type of training though. You can also try to use alpilean,it helps reduce appetite and increase the body’s energy expenditure, leading to weight loss. Unlike many other weight loss medications, Alpilean has fewer side effects and is well-tolerated by patients.