By B.L. Ochman
Sure, bloggers have a more casual, more personal style than mainstream media. But are we sloppy? Are we lazy? How many bloggers will pick up the phone and do an interview? How many will read more than blog posts when researching a story?
As blogs gain visibility, and ordinary citizens gain a powerful voice, I am often pitched by people with an axe to grind about a company, product or service. Given that a real scoop could turn up in email, I check out many of them.
And, since I am a dog owner with more than passing interest in animal welfare, I carefully read the scathing complaint I got from an animal rescue group the other day. I called the sender, Laurie Blier, director of the Brooklyn Animal Foster Network, which has been banned from ACC.
I also interviewed the person Blier was complaining about: Charlene Pedrolie, recently appointed head of New York City’s Animal Care and Control I learned that the issues are complex and that there are heartfelt opinions on both sides.
The brilliant columnist Jimmy Breslin recently told New York magazine he is disinterested in blogs because “They don’t even go in barrooms. It’s opinions written from the kitchen table!” I wonder if that’s what’s happening online in the emotional issue of Laurie Blier’s campaign against Charlene Pedrolie.
Blier’s petition to get Pedrolie fired has more than 1,000 signatures. The petition, and posts from a number of blogs, are making their way through Google toward the top of any search on Pedrolie’s name – clearly part of a campaign to discredit her.
Many bloggers have reprinted parts of Blier’s lengthy emails about Pedrolie, and I have to wonder if they checked any of the facts.
Are the charges fair? Are they right? How many other bloggers spoke to Pedrolie? Not one that I can find!
This is not to say that mainstream media is teaming with integrity, or that traditional journalists are objective. As Ike Pigott said on Twitter, “when the bloggers figure out journalistic integrity, can they share their newly-acquired sensibilities with the journalists?” Call me pollyanna, but I think bloggers can set a new standard, and an example.
Among Blier’s charges:
“This massive kill shelter system with a yearly intake of more than 44,000 animals is now under the control of a woman who’s egregious errors in judgment have thrown the system into chaos.”
Blier says the ACC’s banning of her rescue group and seven others is baseless, claiming that “In two years we removed more than 1,000 animals from NYCACC as New Hope Partners and through our Care-A-Van adoption events with State Senator Erik Addams” She accuses Pedrolie of discriminating against the pit bulls and rottweilers her group saves.
Pedrolie says Blier’s facts are wrong, that two rescue groups were banned. One is now working closely with ACC, she reports, saying that Blier refused to make work with her or to many any changes.
Pedrolie says that instead of giving antibiotics to shelter animals prophylacticly, all animals entering the shelter are vaccinated against kennel cough and other diseases. (While kennel cough vaccine is acceptable even to homeopathic vets, many vets argue against vaccinating healthy dogs whose vaccines may actually be up to date or whose owners may have a medical reason not to vaccinate them.)
She says dogs are prescribed antibiotics immediately if they are ill; that illness is way down; that every dog gets a blanket and a toy every day; that over-crowding conditions have been improved; that dog walkers have been hired so that every dog is walked every day. Volunteers did not show up to walk the dogs consistently, Pedrolie says.
Extensive fund-raising is underway, Pedrolie says, and sizeable savings have been achieved simply by negotiating with vendors of medical and other supplies. “Sometimes,” she says, “you just have to ask. It’s good business.”
A very major change, instituted four months ago, is the requirement that people adopting dogs and cats fill out an application and give references. I know that when I adopted a dog from the Mayor’s Alliance a couple of years ago, all they cared about was that I give them the $80 fee.
Pedrolie is known for handling turnarounds of corporations in distress. In The New Pioneers: The Men and Women Who Are Transforming the Workplace and Marketplace, Pedrolie is profiled as a leader of the “new economy” which is “entrepreneurial, not corporate; it stresses adaptation rather than bureaucratic planning, “teamwork” and “empowerment” rather than rigid command-and-control structures.” Her goal is to utilize the brains and talent of employees so that the people doing the work can define how the work should be done.
Pedrolie, who claims she took “a huge pay cut to take the ACC position,” says she spent $100K of her own money to rescue chained dogs in South Carolina when she worked there. In 2005, Pedrolie used her own money to run ads bringing attention to puppy mills and horse slaughter in Missouri and Ohio.
Clearly there still are issues and no lack of problems at ACC. And definitely, animals are suffering and dying in this wealthy city. But the answer lies in better funding, better laws, education and availability of truly affordable spaying and neutering, ending the no pets rules in apartments, making affordable veterinary care available to low-income pet owners, and publicity, lots of it about the shelter animals. Can one person accomplish all that in a short time?
“I try so hard,” Pedrolie said, “I really do. I feel immense and overwhelming responsibility to the animals.”
The ACC shelters house up to 300 animals on any given day, and Pedrolie says killing (aka euthanasia) is down significantly since she took the helm.
She says ACC works with dozens of rescue groups, some of which take dogs with fractures and other serious injuries so they can get them expensive veterinary care the ACC can’t afford.
Pedrolie invited me to come to see the improvements that have been made in the shelters, and to look at photos on the website.
I hope, for the sake of the animals, that politics doesn’t supercede helping the animals, who, as the ads say, didn’t do anything wrong.
The root cause of the problem is quite simple, and it’s irresponsible pet ownership.
People, a pet is not a fun fashion accessory, it is a living being for which you are responsible. If you can’t handle that responsibility, then don’t have a pet. And, if you can handle it, please be sure that your pet is spayed or neutered.
Personally, I don’t have any pets because my life is too full with other activities. Which means that I don’t have time to properly care for a pet.
Ms. Pedrolie says two groups. This is true. However she does not mention 4 individual rescuers and their network of volunteers who are not 501cs. Therefore, she does not consider them groups.
She says she spent $100K of her own money to rescue chained dogs in South Carolina. Visit this page to hear what nationally known rescuer Tammy Grimes has to say about Charlene.
Lastly, read many flagged posts from that were saved as pdfs and can be safely downloaded here:
This one in paricular is from a shelter worker who took a big chance putting this up:
Reply to:
Date: 2008-02-22, 8:59PM EST
They have moved the cats to the office area next to the intake counter where people come to leave their animals. This is a very crowded area with workers walking around all the time and it’s very noisy. The poor cats are so stressed out they poop and urinate a lot in their cages and not enough staff to keep them clean. The smell is terrible and both the animals and staff have to breathe this unhealthy air. This small room where they are keeping the cats used to be the office of the shelter manager which Charlene moved inside the area where the animals are. Charlene has no f*ing idea of design for peace, tranquility and a healthier environment for the animals. She comes and asks staff to do this and that just regardless of whether her ideas are good or bad, just to show us she is the boss and can do whatever she wants and if we show disagreement we are fired! Charlene must go!
PostingID: 583498985
email this posting to a friend new york craigslis
Charlene has sealed entrance to the shelter afraid of reporters
I also work at the Manhattan shelter and Charlene has given orders not to let anyone with cameras inside the shelter. I heard a guy with camera was taking pictures in the adoption area and that he tried to gain access to the sick ward where the animals are waiting to be killed. You can see the sick dogs that can’t hardly breathe caughing and so weak because they don’t eat or drink. They used to be given preventive meds (antibiotics) for kennel cough but the Department of
Health gave orders not to do it anymore to save money and not to delay their killing. Now the food is terrible and they eat less and less. It’s heartbreaking to see
them dying slowly… you can tell many of them just want to die by looking at their sad faces. Reporters should know about it and try to gain access to the sick ward
and photograph these dying animals. People should know what’s going on behind the shelter’s closed doors! Please if you have any contacts with reporters sans
frontières let them know. CHARLENE MUST GO!
PostingID: 583518758
—–Original Message—–
>From: Doc Slone
>Sent: Feb 22, 2008 11:26 PM
>To: ”
>Subject: RE: Charlene Pedrolie
If you can send me the names of the board members and an address to reach
them I will forward a personal letter with the TRUTH about Pedrolie. I will
not exaggerate the truth or the facts. They should be sufficient on their
own merit to get rid of her. Is this board appointed by Michael Bloomberg
or one of his deputy mayors? Let me know who appoints this board that hired
I can tell you that she lacks any common sense whatsoever. At first she
starts out being a “cheer leader” for the team. Rah Rah. Then when the
resignations start, when everything she touches seems to be a bad idea then
she withdraws into her office and only talks with the board or her bosses
and shifts blames to anyone and everyone else for anything and everything.
Then, finally one day the board wakes up and she is gone with a big buyout
to prevent an employment contract lawsuit and all you will be left to pick
up the pieces. Unfortunately all of the knowledgeable, professional, hard
working and wonderful people that made up your organization PRE-PEDROLIE
will be gone and so much damage will have been done you may never recover.
This is the damage she did to my company before she was FIRED! She was gone
in an instant and it was not a quiet good bye. The only reason she can now
get hired in a position like this at this point in time is because my
company eventually filed for bankruptcy and complete liquidation and she was
the beginning of the downfall of a $500,000 million dollar a year company.
Now that there is no one left to call for references at my company she
probably list her position there is keenly important and instrumental in
building the company, when in fact, she was the beginning of the end.
My company president (and her direct boss at the time) was Bruce
Birnbach. Bruce was the son of the Chairman of the Board.
I’ll send all the letters you want if you just give me the names and mailing
addresses of her boss(es) and or board members. I’m not afraid of a law
suit since I have no assets in my name and have nothing she could get.
After all the employee lawsuits the company had to fend off thanks to her I
made sure I protected myself. Just let me know how I can help.
Martha – would that it were actually so simple.
Sure spaying and neutering is crucial, but animals end up in shelters for a wide range of reasons:
1- the owner dies
2- the owner has to move to a place that doesn’t allow pets (although personally, I would never do that)
3- divorce
4- owner or a family member develops allergies
5- the owner, like my neighbor, has a stroke or other serious illness and has to move to assisted living or a nursing home
6- the owner can’t afford medical care for the pet when it is sick and doesn’t want to put it down
7- people don’t realize that a cute puppy will often grow up to be a huge dog
8 – lack of training, exercise or proper nutrition leads to behavior problems for which the dog is blamed
9 – animals are thought of as accessories or toys and not as the living, breathing creatures in need of love and attention, who return that love a thousand times over ever day of their lives
10 – i’m sure there are other reasons
That’s why the ad campaign about “Shelter Animals Didn’t Do Anything” was created.
The issues are complex and not easy to solve. I believe ACC is trying. They are under-funded; there are politics involved, etc.
I did leave a message on Charlene Pedrolie’s answering machine at her business number, and Charlene did not return my call. A male associate of her’s that did call back did not supply me with his name. Basically he directed my to the web site, but never addressed my concerns.He never disputed that my puppy adopted through BFAN would have been euthanized, but by his non answer I knew Bello would have. Bello is a mouther, and a sharpa ridgeback mix, very large. Bello also had an ear infection at adoption. Bello is the sweetest 1 year old I know, and literally has saved my daughter life [she is bi-polar paraonia]. I can’t help but think this is a political appointment. Could you please let me know how Charlene’s dogs died in 2005, that in itself would be helpful. Other than helping lives that are at our mercy, I have NO agenda
Laurie – This is a blog about marketing, about blogging and social media. This post is here because I am concerned that bloggers often don’t pick up the phone and talk to people they massacre.
Clearly, none of the other bloggers who I’ve seen write about your petition have interviewed Ms. Pedrolie to hear her point of view.
That’s the point I wanted to make. I have no way to know who the people are who you are quoting, or what axes they may have to grind.
I also don’t doubt that you care about animals. And I hope you will put your energy into helping them instead of into a campaign against someone who, from where I sit, seems to want to help them too.
When I spoke to you on the phone you insisted there were seven rescue groups banned from the ACC. Now you admit there were two, and you mention 4 individuals – that equals six.
Yet your emails, quoted verbatim on a number of other blogs, insist there were seven. Perhaps you want to correct that in another email to your list?
Frankly, I don’t find Tammy Grimes especially credible, and thing her comments about Ms. Pedrolie amount to character assassination.
Regarding hidden rooms and so on at the ACC, Ms. Pedrolie invited me to come to ACC to tour any area of it.
I’m sure there are problems and issues at ACC. But I think you are barking up the wrong tree.
The comment policy on this blog:
– if I wouldn’t tolerate it in my living room, I will not tolerate it on my blog
– i will not publish anonymous comments
– email addresses given in comments will not be published, but they must be valid and i will check
– be nice to each other
– be reasonable
– take your personal issues elsewhere please
Charlene Pedrolie must go. Her work has become controversial and distracts
from animal welfare. Surely, someone more inclusive of animal lovers and more
receptive to employees’ concerns can be found. She may not be fiddling while
Rome burns, but she certainly set it on fire.
This post has really stirred up feathers after reading the comments. And that is fact with opinions.
I am going to skirt the content and just address the title, “What journalistic responsibility do bloggers have?” None! None at all, or we would become journalists.
Bloggers. Are. Not. Journalists. And. If. They. Wanted. To. Be. Journalists. They. Would. Be. Doing. Journalism. They would be journalists. Bloggers are not responsible to anyone except the relationship they have with themselves and their readership. If one maps journalistic requirements on bloggers, then they had better receive all the protections journalists get under the Supreme Court.
Nice work on an unbelievably sad, sad story B.L.
I’ve had dogs and other pets all my life, many of which came from shelters – where someone had just left them to die.
It is a truly heartbreaking experience to see the dogs on death row, knowing that the ones you don’t pick will likely be euthanized. We always tried to pick the saddest looking in the bunch.
Keep up the great work reporting on stories like this and hopefully some cruel, heartless people will see the error of their ways.
With a tear in my eye…
@Chris – whether bloggers are journalists has been discussed and dissected up one side and down the other. Like it or not, we *are* journalists. Many of us have audiences comparable to or larger than MSM journos. While I agree that we are “not responsible to anyone except the relationship they have with themselves and their readership”, I believe strongly that this responsibility includes the need to:
– be honest
– be truthful
– check our sources
– document our facts or say that we can’t
– give both sides of an issue a chance to be heard
you are right that we should have the legal protections of MSM.
I forgot to mention. It is rare that you will find beds in cages because they contribute to the spread of disease. The toys she gave them and the beds were against all recomendations. Many of the dogs who have so little have begun to resource guard and the kennel workers are afraid to go near many of the dogs because they snarl at them over the toys. Then the dog is reevaluated as aggressive and you know what happens then. The new kennels in the adoptable rooms in Brooklyn halved the holding capacity. So where you could show 40 dogs now you can only show 20. Ms Pedrolie thinks she is running a boutique pet store and does little thinking about real shelter realities. She listens to no one. Not that anyone is brave enough to argue anymore. She has changed the food to a little know Blue Seal product that is specifically for shelters. Very cheap. Lot’s of corn in it which turns to sugar. Its like giving kids cotton candy for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I can go on and on but you will read about in the NYT and the Daily News soon. I am not barking up the wrong tree. You are hanging out on a limb. Please post this.
Laurie – i’ll be interested to see how mainstream media reports the story. it’s emotional, complex, and has no easy solutions. it’s not all about one person;you or charlene pedrolie.
Good reply to my comment, B.L. Here’s a modest proposal: In addition to a “Shelter Animals Didn’t Do Anything” campaign, I think that there should be a “Pet Ownership: It’s Not for Everyone” campaign.
Reason: The decision to have a pet needs to be thought through very carefully. I don’t think enough people are doing that.
For additional food for thought on this issue, visit:
Chris — let’s make it less about defining “journalist” and “blogger”, and more about being a decent human being.
We all have the right to write what we choose, and we all have the right to express an opinion. But facts are facts, and sharing or re-publishing information that is poorly sourced, scantily-researched, or just plain inaccurate is sleazy and lazy. It falls to the level of gossip.
If that’s the kind of site you want to run, then go for it. As for me, I aspire to a higher standard — and I feel it hurts us all when bloggers run amok. The fact that we *can* share information at the speed of light doesn’t mean we should ignore basic values about the information we do share.
I was just wondering- have you checked the facts yourself, or did you take everything that Ms. Pedrolie said at face value? I know that this is just a blog, and isn’t expected to be up to the standards of a real publication, but you seem to be touting yourself as the innovator of “journalistic integrity” in the blogsphere.
These were your words: “Sure, bloggers have a more casual, more personal style than mainstream media. But are we sloppy? Are we lazy? How many bloggers will pick up the phone and do an interview? How many will read more than blog posts when researching a story?”
Is this what you call researching a story? Nonsense!
Pedrolie’s statements are meaningless. She states that all ill animals are placed on antibiotics. What she didn’t tell you, but I got from an insider, is that once an animal is placed on an antibiotic, they can be labelled as “ill”, which is a stepping stone to placement on the euthanasia list.
I could go on, with the awful policies that have been implemented by her. There is no question in my mind that she is anti-animal. Once the public sees the damage that’s been done, she will be fired. Unfortunately, a great deal of damage has already been done.
Nancy Schreiber
Nancy – You are mis-reading my post: I wrote “Pedrolie says that instead of giving antibiotics to shelter animals prophylacticly, all animals entering the shelter are vaccinated against kennel cough and other diseases.”
What you wrote: Pedrolie…”states that all ill animals are placed on antibiotics.” Please re-read the post.
And as for this pronouncement you made “know that this is just a blog, and isn’t expected to be up to the standards of a real publication, but you seem to be touting yourself as the innovator of “journalistic integrity” in the blogsphere.”
My degree is in journalism, and I am a skilled researcher.
Sure this is “just a blog” but it has more than 10,000 readers a day. That’s more than a lot of mainstream media. Do you really believe that MSM is not biased, that every story in a newspaper or on, let’s say, FOX News, is meticulously researched, that the point of view of the management and the writer don’t come through?
“There is no question in my mind that she is anti-animal.” Your exhaustive research is what?
Who’s the “insider” you got your information from?
Gimme a break!
There are many layers to this issue, and politics and money are involved. There are no instant answers, or easy ones. But name-calling and finger-pointing will not solve the problems. And they’re not going to happen on this blog.
I have been in this rescue field for a quarter century, way before rescue even existed to this extent, and the very first year I got involved (at that time I was a normal person believe it or not) I noticed that there was something strange with many in the animal community. I almost quit immediately. Had I quit the ASPCA would still have been killinng 100,000 a year today. Instead I took on the Teamsters, the ASPCA management, Mayor Dinkins, the NYPD, and sued them all to obtain documents under FOIL so I could prove the “monsterous” animal control system they had been operating for 50 years, which I had just found out about. With the evidence I won in court I personally wrote and introduced state legislation which was on a fast track for passage, met with the next Mayor Rudy Giuliani to tell him of the Teamsters control of the ASPCA, and my bill was going to pass, which forced the ASPCA to give up their animal control contract as it came up for a vote in Albany. I withdrew the bill as a I did not want to harm the ASPCA, just wanted to get rid of the Teamsters which had been accomplished by giving up the contract, and the CACC was born.
Despite the fact that in 3 years of lobbying in Albany I brought busloads of hundreds of people there with me, some handful of animal people were contemptuous of me with the purported argument that “if the ASPCA does not do the killing NYC will do the killing and we will have absolutely no access to the animals.” My reply, that sometimes we must take a risk to go forward to the next step, did not cut it with them.
Now we are 13 years later, with the killing reduced by around 75%, New Hope working more than the A did with rescuers in 50 years, and a handful of advocates are banned , some ACC personeel quit or were fired, others were assigned new duties by the new director who has the mandate to “reform” the still dysfunctional ACC yet another step for the better.
It would appear self-evident that we must learn from history. Frankly, Charlene cut me out of the surrender program prevention I founded and operated for the ACC for the past 3 years. So you can say I got banned by her too. But I did not scream bloody murder in furtherence of my self interest because “I know the animals need me.” I gave sufficient respect and courtesy and showed proper professionalism to NOT do that and instead let Charlene steer every aspect of the ship. I would want that latitutde had I been apppointed as ACC chief, as would anyone who was just appointed into a new position to reform the agency.
Perhaps her chosen new person to lead my program will do a BETTER job than I, perhaps not. Time will tell. But she deserves the chance to pick her managers. Period. It is too soon to be back seat driving.
AS for the specific charges of cheap food, saving on meds, etc. those are too minor to be relevant. Here is the REAL deal folks, for which I have very publicly been lobbying for the entirety of the 3 years I have been closely associated with the ACC.
The ACC is STILL misleading potential surrenderors that THEIR animals “will be put up for adoption,” or “will be adopted” because it is a pure breed or a good dog or a host of other “enabling” terminology. I took this matter to the Health Commis a year ago and in April of 07 I got the ACC to agree to have the intake staff read a 3 line script which, for the first time in history said, “if you leave your animal here today it may lose its life. For a guaranteed way of solving your problem w/o that risk call our surrender prevention program.” One year later is is STILL not being read regularly, even though it is laminated on top of each intake counter in big bold letters. THAT is an issue to got to war about as it means easily 5,000 fewer surrenders a year.
The other major issue is that the shelter managers are unqualified to be in those positions, if the mission of the organization is to save lives, since they have no background in rescue. THAT is what Nathan Winograd, who transformed the SFSPCA and other ACOs to low kill, says is the SINGLE most important change that is needed to reduce the killing at an ACO.
The animals are more sick now under Charlene complaint is false. The animals have always been sick and gotten sick at that place due to the managers’ inability to operate a well controlled medical environment like a vet hospital does.
So if anyone wants REAL progress, stop complaining about “gossip” of who is “in” at the ACC and who is “out” and start demanding that they start telling surrenderors their animal may “lose it life” and start demanding that the shelter directors be replaced.
And please, withhold your judgment of anyone a mere six months after taking the helm of any establishment.
Garo – you make some very important and reasoned points here. Thanks for joining the conversation.
I’m very happy that Charlene Pedrolie is out of NYC Animal Control. That woman is truly evil…aspects of her behavior even appears indicative of mental illness. I live in Indiana, and Pedrolie is known here as well.