What if Punxsutawney Phil, the Pennsylvania Groundhog, “the prognostigator of all prognostigators” went nuts, a la Jack Nicholson during the 364 days he was confined to his borrow?
That’s the issue the Pennsylvania Tourism Office is raising in the Groundhog 202 site that they hope will go viral to generate some excitement around the “admittedly quirky” (I’ll say!) holiday.
Beginning on January 9, installments of groundhog video will be posted on the site weekly, leading up to Groundhog Day itself. An RSS feed will let viewers be updated when a new video is posted. The purpose of the campaign is to promote Pennsylvania tourism, although I’m not sure people will make the connection.
Strangely, the Groundhog 202 promotion seems to be in competition with a Punxsutawney Phil tourism campaign. Seems like the two could/should have teamed up.
Two Pennsylvania Groundhog Sites Compete for Tourists
BL Ochman | January 3, 2006 | Permanent Link | Comments (0) | TrackBack (
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