The news that House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R_Tx) is just another whoring politician who joined his own family in allowing doctors NOT to connect his terminally ill father alive with life support is contributing to the backlash against the Bush double-team effort to force life support on Terry Schiavo.
Bye bye DeLay presidential bid.
Tom DeLay Just Another Whoring Politician
BL Ochman | March 28, 2005 | Permanent Link | Comments (2) | TrackBack (
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Categories: Politics
DeLay for president? This is the first time I’ve ever read the words DeLay and president together. Even if Terry Schiavo had never come along he would have to answer for his many, many, many, many ethics violations and his impending indictment over the TRMPAC scandal.
Look at it this way: Bush has proven to be not right enough for the rabid fundamentalists and he has more fences to mend than a rancher after a stampede. DeLay is enough of a political whore to try to spoil the next election. Scary, huh?