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power150.pngTodd Andrlik has started a list he calls the Power 150, ranking the top American marketing blogs. He bases the list on Google Page Rank, Technorati links, Bloglines subscribers, and his own rating of “frequent, relevant, creative and high-quality content.”
With Technorati generally hopelessly behind what’s actually going on, any ranking that combines sources is more likely to be accurate than one that uses a single source. For whatever it’s worth, What’s Next Blog is number seven on the Power 150, which is certainly nice.
I have to look up links to What’s Next Blog, B.L. Ochman and BL Ochman on Technorati to get their picture of who’s linking here, and wonder if And did the same?
This is clearly one of those ventures that takes a LOT more time than one imagines when starting it, so thank you Todd for making the effort.