Sheer dedication pays off over time, says Technorati’s David Sifry in his State of the Blogosphere report, released today.
The Very High Authority Group (500 or more blogs linking to them in the last 6 months), he says, are “what might be considered the blogging elite.” (We’re happy to be part of it.) This group, which represents more than 4,000 blogs, typically blogging a year and a half on average, post nearly twice a day…
Some of these are full-fledge professional enterprises that post many, many times per day and behave increasingly like our friends in the mainstream media. As has been widely reported, the impact of these bloggers on our cultures and democracies is increasingly dramatic.
There are now 12 blogs in the top 100 combined list, and three are in the top 50:
boingboing, engadget, and 老徐 – 徐静蕾 – 新浪BLOG