Rip Van Winkle Award of the week goes to Chief Marketer for it’s article, “The Case for Blogging” which has the email promo:
“Guess what? E-zines aren’t the only form of ongoing communication with customers. Blogs are another. They can serve a similar purpose in delivering high-quality content.”
Well, I’ll be! Is that so!
via Morry Galonoy
Rip Van Winkle Award for Blog Awareness
BL Ochman | January 5, 2006 | Permanent Link | Comments (3) | TrackBack (
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I haven’t heard the word e-zine since the 1990s.
Geez, B.L., you certainly are crabby and on a roll today. ;)
All bloggers need to remember that blogging is still relatively new. What was that Pew survey that, as of the end of ’04, only 27 percent of those online (and, that was only 120 million adults) were blog readers. While I’m sure that has dramatically grown in the past year, it’s very likely still a minority when you look at the entire online audience. It’s definitely a minority if you look at the U.S. population.
So, while the Chief Marketer may be stuck in the ’90s compared to a cutting edge professional like you, that type of basic communications education is needed to raise blog awareness and credibility.
Hey, i said i was cranky. :>)
You want sweet, read another blog.
Yes, basic education, lots of it, is still needed. But the email said “Guess what! blogs are a new form of communication!”
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, or passed out in Sleepy Hollow, you should at least know that much — if you call yourself a communicator.