When I went to the Crumbs bakery to buy goodies for election parties I’m going to tonight, I found that New Yorkers have voted. The Obama cupcakes were sold out when I bought the last two Obama Rocks cupcakes at 1:30 p.m.
None of the McCain cupcakes had been sold. The shop began to cover McCain’s name with Obama’s, to the cheers of the people waiting in line.
If you haven’t already voted for real, please get to the polls right now!
NYC Vote: New Yorkers Vote With Our Sweet Tooth
BL Ochman | November 4, 2008 | Permanent Link | Comments (2) | TrackBack (
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Categories: Alternative Marketing, Politics
Tags: , #votereport, Election 08, marketing the election, Obama 08, Obama rocks, Rock the Vote
Tags: , #votereport, Election 08, marketing the election, Obama 08, Obama rocks, Rock the Vote
Switching the McCain cupcakes with Obama ones. haha
These look incredible! I hope you enjoyed your night. It’s so great to see New Yorkers passionate about a cause. Thanks for posting this!