New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg has announced that he (really, really) won’t be running for President.
It was fun and interesting to play a small role in the draft Bloomberg campaign, and to get a little glimpse of the frantic craziness of behind the scenes political consulting.
The nation needs an independent party for those of us disillusioned with endless electioneering, can’t-tell-em-apart-candidates, and mass media bullshit that nobody seems able to counter effectively.
I am certain that Bloomberg will play a vocal role in making issues prominent in the coming campaign, and I’d be delighted to help make his views widely known in the online community.
Having just heard a sound bite of President Bush declaring “I don’t think we are heading into a recession,” while writing this, I can only say that I will support and vote for whoever wins the Democratic nomination – and would vote for Mickey Mouse if he was a Democrat.
Bloomberg statement here. Posted by B.L. Ochman
Mike Bloomberg is (Really) Not Running for President
BL Ochman | February 28, 2008 | Permanent Link | Comments (4) | TrackBack (
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Categories: Mike Bloomberg for President
Tags: , Bloomberg for President, Election 08, Mike Bloomberg, politics
Tags: , Bloomberg for President, Election 08, Mike Bloomberg, politics
Do you find it funny that you were so supportive of an independent run by Bloomberg, yet you’ll now vote for any democrat including Mickey Mouse for president? :-)
@eric – no i don’t think there’s anything funny about this election. Do you?
but i think the coronation of John McCain, and particularly his pro-war views, means that a regime change is what’s needed.
I would have liked to see Bloomberg in the race IF it wouldn’t mean he’d be a spoiler.
The way the election has been shaping up, it appears that a third party candidate could be a spoiler, and that could increase the chances of a republican win.
I cannot support the Republican regime on any level, and therefore, given that our only other option is to vote for a democrat, i’ll vote for any democrat because that’s the only way to keep another republican out of office.
I’m for a woman’s right to choose, for national health insurance, against the war, and in favor of limiting the government’s right to spy on citizens. that certainly wouldn’t make a republican candidate an option.
As I said in the post, the two party system is antiquated, full of dirt, and no longer serving us. But, since it’s all we have for now, i have to support the winning democrat candidate.
I’m sure Bloomberg will be a voice of reason in the election and as I said, I would be happy to help spread his opinions though the online community.
What part of that is funny or hard to follow?
Your reply is not funny or hard to follow and I understand your original post better now. Thank you for clarifying. Since you wanted Bloomberg (ie not a party) I found it odd that you would support any Democrat other than a Republican.
Actually what is funny is that this is my second time trying to reply to your post.
Thanks for clarifying why you would support Mickey Mouse for President rather than McCain. I did find it contradictory in your original post that you would support any Democrat rather than other third party nominees or the Republican nominee.
Take care,