In case anyone ever took the fictitious Amanda Chapel seriously for even a minute, here’s an email exchange (reverse chronologcal order, read from bottom to top pls) with him/her/they, who, in addition to being an anonymous blogger is apparently also psychotic:
From: Amanda Chapel []
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2006 12:09 PM
To: BLOchman
Subject: RE: bridges
Saw you comment on WOMMA. “And Mr Amanda: ‘there are good lies and bad lies.’ sounds like you’d fit right in at Edelman.”
In one sentence you capture our problem. You are one stupid cunt.
Oct. 23: 2006
From: Amanda Chapel []
Subject: RE: bridges
If that’s as far a bridge as you can build… it will have to do.
From: B.L. Ochman
Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2006 8:48 PM
To: ‘Amanda Chapel’
Subject: RE: bridges
you crack me up
From: Amanda Chapel []
Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2006 8:54 PM
To: BLOchman
Subject: RE: bridges
Fuck you.
From: B.L. Ochman
Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2006 7:54 PM
To: ‘Amanda Chapel’
Subject: RE: bridges
i only deal with people who have the balls to use their real names
From: Amanda Chapel []
Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2006 8:38 PM
Subject: RE: bridges
I thought you were bigger than that.
From: B.L. Ochman
Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2006 7:34 PM
To: ‘Amanda Chapel’
Subject: RE: bridges
i’ll pass
From: Amanda Chapel []
Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2006 11:38 PM
To: BLOchman
Subject: bridges
Dear B.L.,
It may be time for us to build bridges.
Kind regards,
– Amanda Chapel
I’d be totally astonished if that last remark was made by a woman.
Yes, when you voice the least little difference of opinion or opposition to Brian Connolly/AC, he/she/it resorts to insults. Think that’s all he really can do.
Unfortunately, many bloggers have had a similar run in with BC/AC, B.L. It’s a shame that someone(s) with some valid points at times usually resorts to such foul name-calling.
Well – hate to say it fellas but that sounds pretty feminine to me. And if Amanda is a transvestite then I declare a draw right now.
Dennis: that’s certainly a pretty weird comment.
Obviously you’ve not met Dennis…
This “Amanda Chapel” is indeed a fictional character, who does not exist in the real world.
She is a channelized ego fixation that is being used surreptitiously to frame a field of attraction for a childish set of half-baked web ideologies that are against democracy, free expression, and user/customer empowerment.
A cluetrain-hating gluebrain figment of a lack of imagination.
Their client said, “Make it go viral with Web 2.0 tools”, they failed, and now they rail against the blogosphere.