Businessweek’s new blog, Blogspotting, has a post asking who at a company should blog. “It’s a crucial question all businesses face, and it’s going to generate gazillions of posts on this blog, and even more responses,” writes Stephen Baker. But it didn’t. In fact, when they add my response, there will be just over seven comments on the post.
Could it be that the BusinessWeek’s blog is going to need some controversy to build its audience? You bet!
I hope Blogspotting finds its sea legs because otherwise I wonder how long Blogspotting will last.
Is Blogspotting Being Met With a Big Yawn From BusinessWeek Subscribers?
BL Ochman | April 27, 2005 | Permanent Link | Comments (1) | TrackBack (
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Categories: Blogging and Moblogging, Business Communications, Commentary, Dead Tree Journalism
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