Well, so much for my love son to iPod. The trademark white iPod headphones suck. They pop out, hurt my ears and don’t sound too great either. Apparently, their are many headsets that are doing very well selling replacement a replacement in-the-ear headset. After reading https://www.audio-direct.com experts review, I love them and they’re nicely designed to fit on the back of your neck instead of getting caught in your collar all the time like the iPod headset.Sensitivity and frequency response, appearance and the size of headphones are the most common things that buyers look for when comparing models and looking for the best pair for their use. But with headphones reviewed on Audio Direct now becoming more and more sophisticated, you would need to go beyond the usual features and look at the special features some of the models come with to enjoy the most pleasant listening experience.
Sound isolation and noise-canceling features
Headphones that have noise cancellation feature use tiny microphones to effectively capture ambient sounds. These sounds get electronically reversed and reintroduced to output speakers so you enjoy better clarity of the original sounds without any noise interference. Sound isolating feature, on the other hand, creates some barrier between the sounds in your environment or setting and the ears. The headphones with these features usually fit snugly in the ear canal, thus isolating the outside noise so you can enjoy your audios uninterrupted.
Bone conduction
This is a feature that has the headphones sitting more on the cheekbones so that your eardrums are bypassed when the sound is being delivered. The sound is delivered straight to the inner ear through head bone vibration. It is an amazing feature if you want to enjoy the clarity of your music without drowning out background noises. If you are a jogger, this kind of feature can be beneficial because you can hear traffic and at the same time enjoy quality sounds. Some models with this feature are for underwater use.
If you are a fitness enthusiast, then you should consider getting headphones that have this feature because it makes it easy for you to monitor heart rate during workouts without requiring an extra device. The headphones are designed to gather information directly to the ears with some models feeding the audio cues directly to make workouts even easier. The headphones that have this feature are usually compatible with fitness apps that are popular.
Volume limiting
It is a feature that keeps the audio volumes at safe levels, making the headphones best for kids and even adults who want to keep hearing protected. The headphones that have this feature are designed in such a way that they keep the volume at around 85dB or even lower.
The features can be beneficial depending on the use of the headphone. If you are a gamer who has a need to communicate with other players then it might be a great feature for your gaming sessions. The microphones can include small cords or they could be in-line built and come complete with controls to mute or add and reduce microphone volumes.
Sound surround
It is a feature that accurately reproduces sound in multichannel surround formats and the headphones are best for home theater and gaming uses. The headphones usually use electronic processing to emulate directional surround sound cues from two speaker drivers.
There are so many headphone types and models and when you are careful with the features you can get the most suitable for your listening preferences.
But I sure do love having my music with me all the time. And the way it gets right into your brain when your headsets really fit. People do look at you a little funny when you break into dance on the subway platform, especially since they can’t see the black headset wires. But so what. They’ll think I’m crazy and leave me alone.
Goodbye troubles, I’m grovin….
iPod Headphones
BL Ochman comments on her iPod Headphones. [here]
I’m not sure where she got her Sony headphones, but I have had mine for a couple of years and they are so much better than the ear-buds that came with my iPod Shuffle. I keep thinking that the Pod ea…
OH MY GOD those white ear buds that came wit my iPod are GARBAGE! The PAIN the Friggin PAIN! I went out to get better headphones, call me old fashioned but I wanted regular ones. I do not like earbuds at any rate. I got a cheap sony over the head pair, for 12 bucks. I have owned them for 30 minutes and they are back in the box, in another 30minutes they will be brought back to the store. GARBAGE. I am going to get a nice 40$ set that covers your whole ear, since they never designed the other ind to actually sit flush on the ear and press slightly against them. Headphones have advanced little in 30 years, it seems. Crap. My iPod spends all of its time plugged into my stereo.
“I just goggled” Ipod headphones suck and wound up at this site so I guess ill vent here, lol… Here is my story: About year ago when I first got my ipod I immediately realized that ipod headphone SUCK BAD after the fist day. They hurt, they don’t fit your ears right, when you sweat in the gym they pop out, and on top of it all they sound like shit. Well, a few days ago the left channel of my beloved Sony 71’s went out on me, so I called the manufacturer and found they were under warranty… So, I fedexed my broke set back and was told I could expect a new pair in about a week. Fine. Back to the gym with my old craptastic ipod headphones. One hour into workout as I am sweating profusely the foil screens get saturated, and the sound dies out, I remove them blow into them to clear the sweat, put them back in…. 10 minutes later… Repeat…. 10 minutes later… Repeat. . Now I begin to pace back and forth, rage sets in… I RIP the POS HEADPHONES out of the ipod and smash them on the floor with a dumbbell, then tie them in a knot aroud around one of the overhead pipes. I then finish my workout, and head straight to bestbuy to buy a pair of Sony in-ear headphones (even though I have a replacement on the way). Now I am happy….
You will NEVER spend a better $30 in your life… get a pair… Even better get two.
I’ve talked to my friends about this terrible ipod headphones problem and no one gets it! I am the only one that has been experiencing such pain. It is great to see other people have the same problem. Is it because our ears are too small for the buds or what? Right now my left ear hurts so bad it is bruised and infected from repeatedly shoving the buds back into my ears. Whenever I try to go running with them they just pop right out! I wanted to chuck them into the ocean last week. I’ll be checking out these nice soft sony headphones for sure.
They suck big monkey balls!! they hurt like crap glad to know i’m not the only one i’ve always have had trouble with in ear head phones but these are the worst …but as a starving college student i don’t know if i want to go cough out another 40 bucks for head phones. ipod should replace them for free….but only dreams. But my ipod nano is sure cool.
Funny, I too like one of the previous posts, Googled ipod headphones suck and ended up at this site. The MP3 player I had before my iPod was a creative muvo slim – the slimmest turd I’ve ever seen. But for the $50 bucks I paid for that piece of garbage, it still had better earphones than the iPod I just bought. What the hell is up with the size of these damn things? You need ear lobes as wide as a damn quarter for these things to stay on! I got better ear phones at Woolworth’s back in the 80’s. For about $12 or so I got a pair of sony head phones that clip behind the ear. At least now when I turn my head the damn things don’t fall off.
i did the same thing. i googled ipod earphones suck and here i am. wow, these things are so fcking gay. they fit in my ear o.k.ish. but they sound so shitty… its almost not worth listening to music at all. its all distorted. im going to go buy a new pair today.
Thank god I’m not alone. Agreed. The headphones that came with my ipod are hugondo! I’m a full fledged adult and I can’t even get them deep enough into my ear to really hear the music, and then I can’t move at all or they will fall out. No way could I walk or run with them on. I think I’m gonna send apple a little package with a letter and their giant earbuds. Where did they get their measurements from? Land of the giants? Whose ears are that big?
Well. When I bought my iPod, the headphones broke (To some extent, my fault. Turned vol. up halfway and rooted my left) on the right bud, where the speaker fell out ha ha ha.
Went out, and splurged on some Technics RP DH-1200 Over the head styles. Bass is just like pressing the buds all the way in, and the treble clarity is just better. So clear, and passive noise reduction. Not to mention, the SPL cababilities. Who needs an iPod dock, when you can crank up some DJ headphones?
Only 200$ X)
Just a heads up in case your readers are interested in replacement iPhone Headsets for their iPhone, iPod, or Mac.
Hey guys, ive bought ipods since the MINI came out. ever since the catastrophe of headphones that came with the ipod video, i have highly disliked ALL apple phones. OMG what a disaster. they pop so easily and they SUCK! the bass is horrible and the quality is worse. tell me why do they pop out so easily? is it cuz the wire is too short or is apple tryin not to sell extra headfones. got one word for them…. UR HEADFONES SUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know Apple is so stupid I mean this is the #1 product they sell and everyone receives these crappy earphones!? iPods should be sold with Sony earphones or you know the ones that actual go in your ear! So you can hear!! Nice and clear!!! L0L
Wow, this is 5 years old, but we all still agree that Apples earbud headphones SUCK! I have the same
complaints here as everyone else: uncomfortable, fall out of the ears, poor sound quality (especially bass), one side usually ends up dying before the other, etc. A shame, because everything else about the iPod is near perfect. I’m going to look into some Sony’s, Shure’s or Bose over the ear phones. I can’t deal with Apples crappy earbuds any longer.
I guess I will keep it going…because I just spent 300 bucks on my ipod touch only to have it come with these crappy headphones!!! I tried to use them for a few days and then just started using the samsung earbuds that came with my galaxy s phone.
Bought an iPod touch back in ’08. At the time, I didn’t know jack about headphones, but now, I look back and realize the Apple ones blow serious chunks of suck. Their quality is unacceptable. Loss of sound in 2 months? Yep, complete garbage. It was impossible to do any type of physical activity with them on, and their sound quality was laughable. Do yourself a favor and buy a pair of Sony MDR V150’s when you can.