No bells, no whistles, no flashturbation. Just plain, old-fashioned product promotion. Virtual Painter software showcases its users to demonstrate the capabilities of the software. My multi-talented friend, Judy Vorfeld, is among those whose work is highlighted.
This tried and true method of letting users tell a company’s story works even better online than in old media because the content is spread virally through posts, like this one.
Effective Promotion with No Bells, No Whistles, No Flashturbation
BL Ochman | May 16, 2008 | Permanent Link | Comments (2) | TrackBack (
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Thanks for the kudos. I’ve been using the software for years. It brings out a very creative part of my soul. You’ll notice I use the same subject more than once; probably my educational genes. I love encouraging others, and this is one way I can do that. In fact, I’ve asked the Virtual Painter people to consider a Users Forum where we can help each other, inspire newbies, and continue to grow in our use of this amazing software.
Perhaps the greratest form of product promotion: crystal clear examples that make it easy to understand the benefit in an instant…seeing is believing.