Dan Gillmor, the extraordinary tech reporter for The San Jose Mercury, is leaving one of journalism’s best gigs to participate in an Internet startup related to citizen journalism.
Jim Romanesko notes that Gillmor has gotten seed money for the venture which he says he will detail when it is farther along.
Gillmor’s editor, Vindu Goel, wrote, “Dan has a rare gift among journalists: foresight. He can see what’s going to be important long before other people, and he tells readers why they should pay attention.”
Like Wayne Gretzky said, “100% of the shots you don’t take don’t go in.” Congratulations Dan.
Dan Gillmor Leaving San Jose Mercury to Start Citizen Journalism Project
BL Ochman | December 10, 2004 | Permanent Link | Comments (0) | TrackBack (
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