BY B.L. Ochman
Crispin Porter + Bogusky scores big with their new Burger King Whopper Freakout, integrating a TV ad with the Internet for a rule-busting viral hit in the making. It’s seven minutes long. It pisses off Burger King customers. It makes fun of competitors. In other words, it rocks!
As A Source of Inspiration so eloquently puts it “Viral videos: this is the real shit.” Technorati mentions are tracked here
I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when CP+B sold this concept to the client. You want to what!?
via PSFK
Burger King Whopper Freakout is Brilliant
BL Ochman | December 13, 2007 | Permanent Link | Comments (6) | TrackBack (
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Categories: Advertainment
Tags: , advertainment, BL Ochman, Burger King, Crispin Porter+Bodusky, media integration, multi-media marketing, viral marketing, Whopper Freakout
Tags: , advertainment, BL Ochman, Burger King, Crispin Porter+Bodusky, media integration, multi-media marketing, viral marketing, Whopper Freakout
This is indeed a whopper of an example of two negatives making a positive.
I wonder if these ads are helping sales. Anyone know? They do get your attention, and they make strong points, but what’s odd about them to me is that most of the people in the ads look like they just drove to Burger Kind from their trailer park home. These are “ugly” people. The film is ugly. To me all the clips look “dirty.” I suppose it is a true representation of Burger King’s public, and I suppose that such ads “talk” to that public, but for me, when I see the ads I think that Burger King is the place where low lifes go. It makes me want to stay away. I’ve talked to others who have the same perception.
You’re right – this is excellent! I took the time to sit through the whole thing because it was so fascinating. Reverse psychology is so hard to pull off and make it work – this one does. Remember – these are experts, do not try this at home!
I completely disagree. I’ve seen the TV commercial and there’s nothing fun or even pleasant about watching irate customers. The whole ad gave me a bad feeling, nothing positive about Burger King.
The only funny thing is to see how ridiculously upset people can get over a stinking burger!
I was reading while back a study psychology on peoples eating habits. Say a person buys thirty boxes of cookies compared to one box at a time thirty times. They will eat the one box at a time thirty times, two to three times faster. Better Way sends only one to three cookies per mailer that way the customer really enjoys them when they have a limited amount.