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By B.L. Ochman @whatsnext

As we all know by now, this is the craziest election in American history. And fake news is making it worse.

Why You Should Triple Check Sources Before You Share Links

Brian_StelterCNN’s Reliable Sources, host Brian Stelter, says fake news spreads like the plague on the Internet. That, he said is why it is crucial to “triple check before you share” any link. That’s the only way to make sure that what you’re sharing online is factual.

Stelter said there are three types of “clickbait” websites with the sole purpose of getting their articles shared on social media. The three types of hoax sites are sites with fake news, hyper-partisan sites with misleading info, and “hybrids” with a mix of fact and fiction.

Please, dear readers, heed this advice!

Crap Detection Resources

Howard Rheingold’s Guide to Crap Detection Resources can help you fact-check political, medical, cultural news, rumors, memes. It is a valuable, shared document that provides a constantly updated resource for telling online fact from fiction.

Howard Rheingold is a critic, multiple-book author, TED speaker and teacher. His specialties are the cultural, social and political implications of modern communication media such as the Internet, mobile telephony and virtual communities.

In the midst of campaign insanity, we have to keep ourselves as sane and factual as possible. Sigh.