Vivienne, a combination personal Subservient Chicken and genie in a cell phone, will soon be available for male 3G cell phone users who want an unchallenging girlfriend.
She’s the product of computerized voice synthesis, streaming video and text messages. Vivienne will not only to bring business to its creator, Artificial Life, (she will be available for a monthly fee of $6, not including the airtime costs paid to cellphone operators or the price of virtual chocolates and flowers). She is also meant to be a lure for new, soon-to-be-available 3G (third generation) cellphones.
Vivienne can converse on 35,000 topics, from philosophy to movies to sculpture. The Times reports that Artificial Life tweaked and reused close to 70,000 questions and answers on banking alone for Vivienne – those questions were developed for an unrelated contract for a Swiss private bank.
Hey! Will she blog??
Artificial Life’s Virtual Girlfriend Will Be, umm, Available Soon on 3G Phones
BL Ochman | February 24, 2005 | Permanent Link | Comments (0) | TrackBack (
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Categories: Advertainment, Alternative Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Needs a Blog, New Products, Viral Marketing